Ya Allah...it's 2009...mcm cepat sgt masa berlalu... dah genap sebelas hr dah pon..baru hr nih ada curik masa tulis2 sket... promise sket jer...
Really hope 2009 a.k.a 1430hijrah to bring additional happiness to my life.. Ya Allah..perkenankanlah..dan permudahkanlah urusan ku di dunia dan di akhirat kelak..
So for a start, this next week will be my 1st week of teaching...something I terjah without thinking.. 'll be teaching Findamental Electronics in MIAT somewhere near Nilai....God..dah tinggal nearly 7 years...agak giler jugak baru nak belajar2...kita pon x igt..ntah macamana nak explain kat student karang...hahah...n to make it worst...in ENGLISH..tergeliatla lidah nihs karang...Ya Allah..mudah2an permudahkanlah...
Tataula the way I'm thinking nih betul ker x..all this while...I've been training myself to be spontaneous in anything..Say it out aloud and Just Do It !!! tapi nak menyelesaikan nyer tuh yg sekse..teringat masa pegi Korbu...igt macamana semasa mendaki tuh berkati2 kutuk diri sendiri knp nak menyusahkan diri...kalau kat rumah kan best golek2 tgk TV...hahahha....tapi Alhamdulillah..so far manage to complete every task with success..n kepuasan dier Allah jer yg tahu...
So same way now...biler kene mengadap buku belajar balik tetiba nihs..ngan suspen nak masuk kelas lagi...mmg dok mengutuk2 knp accept this offer that day....tataula it'll turn out OK ke tak.. hahah...for me cukupla sekali....sem nih jer... x mo buat dah.. tobaaattttttt...n masa2 genting nihla..perasaan malas tuh..tuhan shj yg tahu....hmm..Mudah2an Allah bagi kekuatan mental n physical...Ameeennnnn...
To frens, harap2 you all pon have a fresh start this year....and have a wonderful year ahead...n do pray for me all....luv yah...
To a fresh year...may this year complete me...
To the past sorrow...hope I'll be able to let u go...
To my becoming student...forgive me if I turn suck...
To future...I am ready for you..Insya-Allah......................