Feb 9, 2008

Terubuk Bakar..nyummmyyyy...

Goshhhh...I should thank my GM for this.. he's the one who's totally responsible for my addiction to terubuk bakar since he introduced me to the sensational taste of the terubuk in the last majlis raya.. quite a waste of 27 years of my age for not realizing it...

I really love ikan bakar since I was a kid..I think..the best was my mum's recipe for the dip..err sambal should I say..the jawa version..really spicy with the taste of cekur@kencur...really two thumbs up!..but back then I don't have the patience to go for ikan with tulangssssssss...so I hate them..including Terubuk..Pernah sekali mak bakar terubuk..so I refuse to eat..sampaikan mak duduk kat sebelah buangkan tulang for me.. hik hik.. Zarrr!..so la...

Tapppii skrg tidak lagi :D ..zar boleh duduk berjam2 meratah..hmmm sedapnyerla...tuhan sajer yg tahu..makan hari2 pon takper rasanya...and hari nihs my beloved met bakar terubuk style jalan istana... perghh terangkat..

Recipe ikan terubuk style met
Cili merah + bawang putih + bawang merah + air asam + garam + kicap sket + belacan } blander

Then dip kan ikan terubuk and bakar bakar sekali dgn bahan2 diatas..for best effect guna daun pisang.. kalau nak guna aluminium foil make sure lubang2kan dier..kot tak berair ikan..x beshh!

Air asam
2 sudu teh asam jawa + ½ sudu teh belacan + 10 biji cili padi (dihiris) + 1 biji bawang besar (dihiris) +1 biji tomato (dipotong dadu) +Sedikit garam n bahan perasa

Ada yg letak kerisik..but I like it plain

Sambal mak
cekur + garam n perasa + bawang putih + a lot of bird eye chili.. alot really + lime juice

erk..just thinking of it pon boleh buat zar terliur..sorry, I can't share any pic of the terubuk..pasal x sempat nak amik gambar...haha.. oh yer..speaking of ikan bakar..I remember the Ikan bakar recipe I got from Mark n Spencer market.. err a portion of it..but It only works with Trouts and Salmons I guess..harituh try ngan siakap x menjadi..haha trout kat Mesia mahaaalllaaaaaaa.....

Ikan Bakar style org putehh
Ingredient from the back of the package: garlic + butter + tomato puree + basil leaves + garam
The one I altered : garlic + butter + lime juice + black paper + salt + oregano

oklah..enough of ikan bakar...isk..sajjer menghabiskan masa sementara menunggu mata ngantuk..nihs nescafe nye effect la nihs...shhhhh...tidurlah mata..tidurlah... shhh..zzZZZZzzzzzz..

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