Jun 9, 2008

Are U Ready ??

Another big event to attend..it's Shah's wedding..he has been like a brother to me..like all the other 511's..so we all gathers to celebrate our bros on his wedding...ramai 511's yg hadir; me, lin, masyoo, zamie, fariz, punx, omar, bob, black, mizie a.k.a photographer, lida n wan (lambat!)..yg lain2 aderla fadhel, abong, Lee n the rest..hahah..x ingat nama benarnyer..and yg best juga Cikgu Sajidah dtg..and mcm biaser..soalan favourite dier bila jumpa Zar.."Awak biler lagi?" haha...gelak jerla kan..

Gambar ada..tapi belum sempat upload lg..nanti eks..tapi zar nak tulis jugak entry nihs..takut terlupa..satu pertanyaan Noorlin kelmarin when we talk about marriage.."Ngko dah ready ke Zar utk kawen?"..then dgn confidentnya jawab.."ready..bla2.."..haha... hmm secara theorynya.. yes..we should be ready kot..I think..hmm we r not that young..plus..kalau nak tunggu semuanya perfect..we would never be ready then..For me..just embrace the journey and make it ready along the way..Insya-Allah..

Tapiii..hmm secara praktikalnya lainla kot..to venture into a marriage..kita kene kenal org tuh sama mcm kita kenal diri sendiri..waduuhh diri sendiri pon kita x kenal sungguh2..nihkan pulak nak kenal hati budi org lain luar dan dlm..nak kene paham of his/her every move..nak kene ready of his/her every response..rasa kalau boleh nak masuk into his/her brain..just to be ready..ready is not just a simple word..ready means to be ready physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually..waduhh 4 perkara 2.. by then bila pk2 balik...haha..NO..I'm not that ready!..keh keh.. sabor jerla..

Hehe...now I knowla kenapa couples selalu amik masa yg cukup lama utk kenal mengenal antara satu sama lain..ada yg sampai 9-10 tahun.. (he he..teringat kisah Bego! kesian)..but still it doesn't guarantee happy ending...life happily ever after..bla2...pon..that's the way it is..and pasal jodoh laks...a fren did tell me.."alaa ada jugak yg dah kahwin then cerai..tade jodoh jugak tuh.."..hmm.. betul jugak..tp mintakla dijauhkan...Na'uzubillah...

Lastly, Noorlin..if you asked me between the the two..I choose the 1st one.. To Be Ready !!..