Feb 27, 2009

..biler pg melabuh mendung..

Huh..been tagged?? haha sorry, Fie..baru la nih ada masa sket baca2 ya entry.. :) Thanks n appreciate it a lot to be part of your life circle...

Do you think that you are hot..??
haha..kadang2..memerasankan diri bile dilanda taufan down..

Upload a pic of you

Why do u you like this picture?
ntah..mcm best..gambar amik sendiri masa sorang2 kat Labuan...

When was the last time you eat pizza?
Few months before... ngan met kat Pizza Hut Wangsa Maju..makan wings pon sodap... :D

The last song you listen to?
pagi tadi..lagu Arab...Amr Diab..err don't ask me about the lyrics..but at the moment was crazy about this 'Love Story' by Taylor Swift..

What are you doing rite now beside doing this
YM ngan member..n cakap2 pasal kerje in TM..n suddely I realized that I have the opposite mindset of it in contras to the first few years I join TM..My god..I've turn into 'them'..

What name you prefer besides yours?
Zarina Maisara... I don't like the Siti.. wahahah...Maisara gives the soft touch when I was the other way round...mungkin kalau nama Maisara ader dari kecik..boleh jadi sopan santun sket kot.. hehe... other unique name that they called me.. Zarina Hasra (Abg Shidy bagi..).. Kathreen@ Katrina...when my colleagues combine my name with my Dad's...

People to be tagged
1. Wok Yoh
2. Taker
3. Kak Awa
4. Laily
5. Dier...n ramai lagi...

Who is no. 1 ?
best frens ever..we stays close when we are far far apart..Always the person to turn to whenever I had issues with my life... hmm..dah lama x ckp ngan dier..like Afie, she's getting busier with her PhD maybe...

Say something about no 2.
Big bro..another fellows who let his shoulder open for me (literally) in anytime in need..especially whenever I need the opposite sex view about something.. haha Taker selalu complaint Zar cari dier time susah jer.. he he

Who is no 3.
kakak..tmpt berbicara.. she's always full of advices and I adore her marital life...

What about no. 4.
Once was my 'bestest' friend... sad to remember that I 'lost' her once she get married...

Who is no 5?
someone to forget..


SyaHrIR said...

mlzlh nk jawab tag2 nih.. :P

afidalina said...

hehe yes! haha trex. malu2 lak.. betul za phd ni busy tol. huhu.

suarahati salmie said...

merenung jauh nampaknya cik siti ni.. adakah kerinduan menggamit di kalbu??? cepat-cepatlah cari teman hidup agar kesunyian tidak menyelubungi perasaan...

~dcharminglady~{@ said...

haha..suruh kak mie yg carikan jerla.. okeyhs? :)

Anonymous said...

za...org br bace nih...tp kan..i don't even have a blog! (perfect excuse)..hehe

~dcharminglady~{@ said...

Haha..well explained..