Penat Audit OMT Labuan, Faizal took us to lunch at Tasek...dier belanjer of course..he he..angin sepoi2 bahasa and great meal..petang tuh kami tergesa2 arrangekan hotel di KK, Flight from KK to KL and Ferri trip ker KK..sempat juga singgah Ujana (KLCC Labuan)..beli2 cokelat sket..belah malam..Abg Mie belanje makan kat bukit laks...
Dapat jugak carik bende alah nihla..penat jelajah Ujana ptg tuh..x jumpa..pasal bende alah nihla satu Labuan ingat I nih pompuan kirim yer...
On the 13th, we took early breakfast coz the ferry will take off at 8.30 a.m..nyummyy..wafel Kak Awa..look delicious kan..poor dear Faizal had to wake early to take us to ferry terminal...
Our LIMO to KK..Faizal had warned me about this crazy journey...uwaaaaa..3 jam 1/2 fighting for my life..mabuk all the way...dahsyatttt!!! No more please...the ferry ride cost us RM39 each.. Nih gambar sblm ferry jalan..still able to smile hah..After that I counted almost every seconds to end the journey..
I'm fighting my life for this land..Sabah look modern from the sea..
Akhirnya..setelah kering duit di purse (K Awa belum puas lagi tuh) ..balik juga kami ptg jumaat tuh...filght delay 1/2 jam..
Post sket kat KK Airport..tepi laut airport nih..dalam beg tuh ade kuih amplang yg skrg nih org tgh kunyah..mcm rasa keropok jer...It was a pleasant journey...with a great company..and a menyengkekkan spots.. haha.. bye KK..I'll come next time for your top mountain..Insya-Allah...
aku pun terkejut jugak tgk kotak rokok itu..=P so sweet la u lately nih..hehehee..=P
haha..tuh zar belum tunjuk tin-tin araks tuh..bersusun kat dalam fridge hotel...
sweet? padanla semut asyik serang rumah kitorang jer..
za... kenal/ingat akak tak? kak fika.. kita satu group masa FOSEE kat MMU melaka dulu... lama dah x dgr citer za... terjumpa blog ni pun masa surf2 thru other person punya blog... ada YM x? add me phica79.. :)
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